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Smart Infrastructure (WP 5)

The XCarcity WP5 meeting was held on 29 November 2024 at CVD Apeldoorn. It provided a platform for the WP5 team to discuss progress, requirements, and ongoing research. During the meeting, Fatemeh Marzani delivered a presentation titled “Data Privacy is… Read More »Smart Infrastructure (WP 5)

XCARCITY goes Japan

This summer, a Japanese delegation led by Prof ISHIDA Haruo, visited Delft to discuss international collaboration in the context of XCARCITY. As a follow up, a Dutch Delegation traveled to Japan to continue the collaboration and exchange of experience and… Read More »XCARCITY goes Japan

XCARCITY Consortium Meeting

The first consortium meeting for the XCARCITY Programme took place on 6 December 2023 in the City Hall in Almere. Over 32 participants gathered, including partners and researchers, to reflect on the first 6 months of the programme, be introduced… Read More »XCARCITY Consortium Meeting