Mobility is not just about car and roads, it is also about people and a living environment that is pleasant, healthy to live in and is accessible in a sustainable way. The XCARCITY programme is not alone in its exploration of how to design car-low areas that are accessible and sustainable. This topic is gaining traction across the globe among many other, international, reach groups.
Fortunately, we are already starting to collaborate with the following programs:
- Japanese Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) Smart Mobility Platform ,
- The UK DARE hub, Decarbonised, adaptable, climate resilient transport for a sustainable future, lead by the University of Newcastle
- The UK program IN-FUZE, Focusing an new collaborations asking what kind of future transport systems can work better for people, business and places. IN-FUZE is lead by the University of Leeds,
- ETH Zurich: Open Digital Twin Platform of the Swiss Mobility System
Collaborations will start with organising common activities such as seminars and exchange visits of researchers.
If you are interesting in contributing, please contact the programme lead Bart van Arem.

For the image of this article we used DALL-E 2024 of ChatGPT and gave it the following input: “Show a happy globe with arms and legs, that is holding a magnifying glass and inspecting a model of a futuristic city with only bicycles and a lot of green, studio lighting, shot on 120mm”