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Working on better cities
with less cars

XCARCITY is a five-year program, packed with research and pilots, aimed at making urban regions sustainably accessible

The XCARCITY project consists of seven work packages, ranging from in-depth research to the co-creation of new mobility systems

In XCARCITY, thirty-two parties – research institutions, governments and companies – join forces to make our cities more livable

Parking in Macroscopic Transport Models: Modelling Parking Capacities in Traffic Assignment

TNO developed a methodology to include parking in macroscopic traffic assignment. This methodology, using parking links and parking capacities, allows cities in the XCARCITY programme to explore polic…

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Setting the Price for Carsharing

With his thesis – ‘Setting the Price for Carsharing: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Equitable Carsharing in the Car-free Neighbourhood of Merwede’ – Leonardo concludes the master’s programme Tra…

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With all work packages now underway, June 17th was a perfect day for the next consortium meeting. Vervoerregio Amsterdam hosted a successful and insightful day, allowing researchers and partners to re…

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Meet (or join) our team!

XCARCITY will be carried out by a multidisciplinary team of 8 PhD candidates, 2 postdocs, a programmer and researchers from TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, University of Twente and TNO. They will be supervised by several experienced researchers and work in close collaboration with public and/or private partners.