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Kickoff Event Work Package 5

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By Dingshan Sun & Fatemeh Marzani

The kick-off event for Work Package 5 was successfully held in Apeldoorn, april 12. Involved in the meeting were TU Delft, University of Twente and OpenRemote. Following six months of preparatory Studies, our understanding of the research tasks and methodologies has notably advanced, particularly in the areas of Privacy Preserving Pedestrian Dynamics Analysis and Multi-Modal Transport Networks Management.

Multi-Modal Transport Networks Management
Our approach has stratified the task into two key sub-tasks: long-term strategic traffic management and short-term real-time traffic control. These sub-tasks are designed to synergize, coordinating a variety of traffic management measures. This strategic alignment allows us to influence user behavior effectively, aiming to achieve several traffic management objectives.

A notable goal for  the above tasks is the creation of low-carbon urban areas by using traffic control measures, which is pivotal to sustainable urban development. In addition, we have presented some preliminary results about long-term transport network management, and simulation results validated the effectiveness of our method. Our future research plans have become more clear through this process.

Privacy Preserving Pedestrian Dynamics Analysis
Over a six-month study, we identified significant privacy gaps in existing methods in crowd monitoring systems. These systems provide statistical information about crowds, such as footfall and flow. Our research focused on enhancing these methods from basic data protection to comprehensive privacy protection. We are now in the process of writing a paper on our proposed solution.

At the kick-off event, we presented our enhanced system and discussed the queries and outputs it should support, based on the requirements for managing multi-modal transport networks. The event provided a valuable platform for researchers and partners to thoroughly discuss the research goals and methodologies. We have reached consensus on our research plans and exciting potential new research ideas have also emerged. The discussions have opened several avenues for future collaboration within the work package, which promises to enrich our project’s outcomes.

Personnel Update
The hiring process for the second PhD candidate is in process. A Bachelor student has joined our team. He is working on the topic “Exploring Probabilistic Data Structures for Privacy-Preserving Pedestrian Dynamic Analysis,” under the supervision of our PhD candidate. We believe that his contribution will significantly benefit our research.