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For the XCARCITY project there are a lot of (affiliated) materials that can be worth to have a first, or another look at. From theses from students or researchers, to other publications, newsletters, presentations, reports or other materials. Underneath you can navigate to the subsequent pages or you can find them under the dropdown menu of materials on the main page.

(Created in DALL-E by asking for a drawer that says materials)


Insightful publications from XCARCITY and its affiliates will be featured on this page throughout the course of the project. Collectively, these contributions will serve as a critical foundation for the joint research efforts, laying the groundwork for a future where cities are released from excessive car usage.


To ensure transparency and especially to keep our partners and interested parties up to date, XCARCITY sends out a quarterly newsletter. It announces research results, new researchers and, for example, important meetings. Older newsletters can be viewed on this page.


Inside and around the project a lot of insightful presenations will be given. This too deserves a place for clarity and for later reference. More and more of these can be found here over the course of the project.


The subpage reports will focus on all sort of documents, news or other things that are valuable to look back it. If you can’t find anything somewhere else on this website, this page is the place to look!